“A Bowl Of Water” is an augmented reality (AR) illustrated book about the water crises in the Middle East – where the author, Neda, grew up in. She drew inspiration from her childhood memories of her grandma, “Mamaie” who was forced to abandon her ancestral garden in Naeen Village, Iran because of the drought and moved to Tehran with her grandchildren. As a child, Neda loved to watch Mamaei comb her hair patiently in the sun. The proposal will support the creation of the AR picture book and film cutout animation on green screen.The characters and the environments used in the book will come to life when the audience scans the pages of the book with their phone and an AR app. An important part of augmented reality is the sound design which will be created by acclaimed Iranian-American musician Bahar Royaee. We also plan an exhibition of the artwork at the Tribeca Festival in July 2023, where audiences can scan the artwork and the AR pop-out of the pages. The uniqueness of the AR is integrating the cutout animation in the book. The story touches on many relevant themes like climate change and the displacement of poor and indigenous people resulting from climate change.